CRUSHER for processing plastics, wood, metal, paper, building materials and others

CRUSHER for processing plastics, wood, metal, paper, building materials and others

CRUSHER PROFI 800 - crushing coarse 22kW + 30kW hammer mill

PROFI 800 two-section CRUSHER (coarse and fine crushing) 55 kW

Similar to the DP600, the more powerful twin-rotor PROFI 800 CRUSHER (hereinafter DP800) of a higher range of crushing technology can be used in a wide range of applications where high equipment capacity and high crushing power are required. DP800 can process from metal materials thick-walled metal containers, larger waste after machining (so-called chips), barrels and their contents, steel sheets up to 6 mm thick, car seats, standard steel cabinets, thicker electrical cables and other tough and difficult to process resp. . large waste. In addition, it is used to process various types of wood waste (tree trunks, branches, wooden boards and packaging, pallets, wooden furniture, etc.), paper waste (cardboard and various types of loose paper waste), large-scale and municipal waste (tires, large household appliances, carpets, mattresses).

The electrical input of the DP800 is in the range from 22 kW to 70 kW depending on the hardness of the material, the speed of the crushing itself, the volume impact amount of the crushed material. Each shredder shaft is driven by a separate motor with a high electrical input and high torque gearbox, resulting in high capacity and the ability to shred large and heavy objects. The robust and durable construction of the machine predestines it for work in difficult conditions. By crushing and recycling recycling materials, we can reduce the volume of waste by up to 80%.

For more demanding requirements for processed waste, the DP800 offers the option of a superstructure for finer crushing. After coarse crushing, the material passes through an additional shaft with a hammer crushing method, whereby a precisely calibrated chip to sawdust or granulate is obtained, which can be returned to production as a secondary processed raw material. The output fraction can be regulated by an additional sieve. The electrical input for fine crushing can be set from 22 kW to 70 kW depending on the required output fraction, the hardness of the material as well as the volume output of the crushed waste. This unique two-section crushing process saves significant operating costs, the purchase of crushers as well as space in production.

The DP800 is designed to be strong and durable to eliminate the possibility of resonance and associated noise. During its production, no materials are saved and no materials are thinned to the stop. Robust processing eliminates the possibility of resonance and associated noise.

The unique concept of the DP800 is SMART crushing technology. Intelligent control is noticeably reflected in the crushing performance, which ensures a larger amount of crushed material compared to crushed material with conventional crushers. Intelligent crushing also eliminates electrical and mechanical shocks, extending the life of the entire device and the stability of the electrical network.

The DP800's above-standard quiet operation involves several factors, such as the use of innovative crushing teeth (ensuring quieter and more efficient crushing), high-quality, surface-hardened bearings (low coefficient of friction), NORD electric gearboxes (high efficiency and ground gears) and solid gears. and robust construction (prevents the crusher from resonating during operation). This is especially appreciated by operations near the residential zone.

Another innovative factor of the DP800 is the crushing gearing. It gained its popularity mainly because it is really quiet and very effective. In case of damage to the crushing teeth, it is also possible to change the individual teeth. The construction of the crusher is designed so that it is possible to change the crushing teeth without the use of special tools. They are easily accessible and can be replaced by any maintenance worker or technician. And with common tools!

The DP800 is designed with the right gearbox selection in mind. One of the highest quality electric gearboxes of the German brand NORD is used. The ground gearing of these gearboxes contributes to their high efficiency. This leads to maximizing the output power of the shredder and minimal energy losses. The high-quality drive of the crusher thus saves energy and thus finances, at the same time the entire drive of the crusher is very quiet. NORD electric gearboxes are characterized by a high operating factor (high overload capacity), which is very important especially in the event of a sharp jamming of the crusher gears. Thanks to it, the drive is stable and durable even in the event of a sharp jammer of the crusher.

In addition to high-quality gearboxes, the unique DP800 design is complemented by bearings with a hardened surface and a low coefficient of friction. The hardened surface guarantees long operation without damage. This eliminates equipment failure, downtime and service. Due to the low coefficient of friction, the bearing is very quiet and has a very high efficiency. High efficiency maximizes output power. The shredder thus saves energy and therefore also operating costs.

Higher range crushers cannot do without the use of appropriate, tailor-made transport technology. Another option for streamlining work (especially for separating metal parts) is the implementation of a magnetic metal separator in the crushing process. In addition to conveyor technology, it is possible to streamline the crushing process by means of a hydraulic arm which adequately dispenses the material to be processed.

If the DP800 twin-rotor, due to its power and high capacity, exceeds the needs of your application, we recommend the PROFI 600 CRUSHER or the medium range of crushers INDUSTRY 500 CRUSHER, INDUSTRY 400 CRUSHER. the most optimal solution for you and your company.

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